Deformations of 3D meshes in Augmented Reality

This video shows real time deformations of a 3D mesh using AR technology and gizmos that allow for finer controls. The several options on top include boolean operations of the meshes, normals manipulation, and extrusion. These operations don't have videos, but they worked in a prototype state.

2D polygon creation and 3D mesh generation by revolution around a Vector

In this video, a plane is used to create a canvas on which to draw a polygon. This polygon has a hard edge represented by the red line, and once the polygon is closed, a mesh is generated.
This mesh can be rotated around the edge to create a 3D object by revolution.

UV painting with AR and touch controls

One of the last things I did for the company was implement a 3rd party asset in VR, and use it to paint pre-calculated UVs on a mesh in real time.

Project information

  • Category: 3D, modeling, geometry, commercial
  • Project date: February 2022, February 2023

Kluest Workshop

Kluest Workshop is a mobile Augmented Reality app I worked on while I was at Sons of a Bit. I started the project alone following the design presented in the GDD.
My main objective was creating a way for users to intuitively create and modify 3D meshes in AR. This meant a profound understanding of how Unity handles them, and a good deal of knowledge on 3D geometry arithmetic.