Hello! I am

Javier Riera

About Me

Hello! I am Javier Riera, a Computer Engineer and Unity Programmer from Valencia, Spain. I have great passion for anything game related, from implementing mechanics and working out ideas to creating an expandable and reusable codebase for bigger projects. Game Jams are my passion and I enjoy working with talented people in interesting projects.

Unity Programmer

I have been working with Unity3D for more than 5 years. Every project teaches something new, and every little trick I find is added to the list of time savers.

  • Phone: +34 628 491 341
  • City: Valencia, Spain
  • e-mail: javierriera97@gmail.com
  • Degree: Master's Degree in Videogame Programming and Design

I primarily enjoy finding a good way to implement reliable, well-known Design Patterns, and adapt them to Unity in a way that Game Designers find easy to use. This has helped me to quickly iterate different gameplay decisions and find the better result with low effort, since the code was prepared for this (let's admit it) inevitable phase of game development.


A few of my most used tools and skills, as well as my known languages.

Programming languages

  • C#
  • Python
  • Java
  • C++


  • Unity3D
  • Git
  • vim
  • Linux
  • Code Architecture
  • Communication Skills


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Valencian
  • Romanian


NOTE: If you prefer a PDF version (with a cool design, if I may add), download it from here.

I have great experience working as a computer engineer, both inside and outside the videogame industry, and I have learned many different things. My formal and informal education has opened my mind and taught me so much.


Unity Certified Professional: Programmer


Unity - Pearson

This certification has been designed by Unity for people with 3 to 5 years worth of experience in the industry.

The certification can be found here. (I am soaked in the picture, try not to drive a motorcycle in the rain).

Master's Degree in Videogame Programming and Design

2020 - 2021

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain

Degree designed to be coursed for two years, in which Unity was used as the main tool to make videogames. I learned about level and game design, effective player feedback, videogame AI and behaviours, and improved my speed at quick prototyping.

Engineering Degree in Computer Science

2015 - 2020

Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

College engineering degree in Computer Science, specifically in Software. This degree helped me understand complex concepts about programming, as well as cimenting the proper use of design patterns for bigger projects with multiple people working at the same time. Scalability, legibility and upgradability of code was a very important focus of this degree. On my thesis, I got a 9'5 out of 10. I coursed this degree in English for the first two years, being part of the High Academic Performance group.

Professional Experience

Tech Lead - Unity Senior Developer

2024 - Nowadays

My Love Lock

  • Tech Lead with a team of 4 other people.
  • Working on a multiplatform mobile app.
  • Update legacy code to get rid of technical debt.
  • Take code architecture decisions to ensure code can grow and adapt for quickly demanded features.
  • Mentor less experienced coleagues and organise their learning experience so both them and the project can benefit from it.
  • Help assess the time needed and plausability of different features and tasks.
  • Decouple code and make it suitable for better testing.
  • Implement workflow and version control structure.
  • Create VR projects that can run on standalone Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3.

Unity Developer - Lead Programmer

2023 - Nowadays

Remulla Games

  • Main programmer for an unreleased indie game.
  • Dialogue system implementation and customization.
  • Tool creation for game and level designers.
  • Graphics based on math concepts like Bezier curves.
  • Participate in meetings with the whole team to propose ideas, give feedback and manage the coding side of the project.
  • Have in mind the business and marketing aspect of the project in order to make the right choices.

Unity Developer - Team Manager

2022 - 2023

Sons of a Bit S.L.

  • Team Manager of a small group of unity developers.
  • Work on AR functions related to 3D meshes and their real-time generation in mobile devices.
  • Create time estimations, code structure guidelines and solid codebases.
  • Participate in meetings with the design and art teams to clarify requirements, deadlines and viability of features.
  • Properly take care of both the product and the team.
  • You can see the beta development I did at Kluest Workshop.

Software Developer - Automation Engineer

2021 - 2022

Kenmei Technologies S.L.

  • Automate existing workflows for their period deployment, supervised or otherwise.
  • Proper management of errors, and optimisation of costs by deploying tasks without human interaction at better, cheaper times according to server renting costs.
  • Creation of solid, reusable codebase to easily implement new workflows.
  • Self-driven improvement of obsolete and inefficient dating system, complying with the regression tests in order to avoid old systems failing.
  • These systems have been exported to many areas of the business outside the one I was in, due to their ease of use and simplicity.

Software Developer - Network Technician

2020 - 2021

MaxLinear Inc.

  • Worked as an intern with a standalone project that aimed to create an On-Premise Kubernetes network.
  • The project's goal was hosting QA services to improve their existing workflows.


I have worked on many projects, each of them taught me something new and made me more comfortable in my skills as a game programmer.

  • All
  • Student Project
  • Short Game Jam
  • Month-Long Game Jam
  • Commercial Projects


There are many talented people I have worked with and continue to do so that vow for my competence.

Javi is, without a doubt, one of the most professional people I know. Not only does he meet deadlines and expectations, but he also proposes creative solutions and is a great support and reference for the artistic team of any project. The only bad thing is that, since he grew a beard, he is so handsome that it is difficult to focus at work, so it takes us twice as long to do everything.
And I have my idea notebook full of portraits of Javi in ​​different alternative realities. Today I drew him as pirate.

Jaime Martínez Fernández

Storyboard, animatic, and 2D Animation Artist

Javi is a wonderful professional, both in a work environment and in his personal life. In every opportunity I have had to work with him, he always manages to pleasantly surprise with his agility and ease in leading projects, not only thanks to his quality as a programmer, but also because of his great quality as a person. A work team with Javi is always a pleasant environment, where you feel valued and motivated.
We could also add that he knows an absurd amount of The Simpsons references, which I believe is a highly valuable job skill.

Sam González Morote

3D Animator / Game Artist

Working with Javi is always such a delight, like taking a bite from your favourite meal. He is constantly eager to improve himself by experimenting with new tecniques and projects. Javi always does what he loves with a big smile on his face and, with his energy and enthusiasm, he is able to inspire everyone around him.
But most importantly, he has if not the best, one of the best laughters out there.

Ferrán Devesa Marco

Lighting and Technical Artist / Environmental Artist

I've known Javi for quite some time now, and we have worked together in many different scenarios, such as studying our degree, working for the same company in the same team, and even sharing a flat for a little while. Through each of these phases, which have been very different in themselves, a few aspects from him have stuck with me: his innate passion for improving and exceling at his craft, his kindness, and his soul-warming spirit. Throughout this time, we have helped each other both professionally and personally, and I have learned a lot from him by having him teach me something new, or just by merely paying attention to how he does certain things and adapting them for myself.
His programming and computer engineering knowledge are some of the most in-depth I have ever come across, although he is constantly expanding and happy to share them. Javi also has a gift for uplifting the room without losing focus on any goals, leading in a very natural way. He is definitely someone I would always want to have on my team.

Alejandro Mor Michael

Data Engineer / Software Developer

I don't know a single person more passionate about his work than Javi. From a very young age he knew that he wanted to be a computer engineer, he has always been clear about it and has worked for it. So much so, that his favorite hobbies are programming his games, tinkering with new mechanics that could help him program faster, and watching videos that explain things related to his work. An anecdote that is especially funny to me is that, one time, he was quietly watching a movie online with his friends while programming, and no one even noticed! In short, Javi is a person who knows what he wants, works hard to get it and who does not settle for less than what he deserves.

Dana Dorneanu

Social Educator / Best Girlfriend in the whole world